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Puppy Pals Socialisation

Four dogs look at the camera whilst on a patio.
A deer hounds nose pokes through her owners legs.
Two puppies stand on top of an upside down blue paddling pool.

We offer a Puppy Pals socialisation class, specifically for pups under 1 year old: a safe space within which your puppy can make new friends.


Under the experienced eyes of our trainers, we will ensure your puppy is able to learn how to interact with other pups in a polite manner, whilst having fun and of course getting exercise and mental stimulation, which is particularly essential for young puppies.

Your puppy will be with us for 1.5 hours exploring, interacting and learning new skills with humans and their puppy pals. Videos will be sent directly to you as well as a report on how they got on and tips for their continued development.

  • Puppy socialisation is creating as many different, positive, safe and fun experiences for a puppy as possible as early as possible in their life.

  • Socialisation prevents surprises and scary experiences later on in their life by building resilience.

  • Research shows that dogs that experience varied socialisation at a young age are easier to live with and train. They are also more relaxed and healthier.

  • The optimal socialisation period for puppies is between 3 and 16 weeks of age. Socialisation is a continuous process throughout the dog’s life, but the potency of the positive experiences lowers as the puppy matures. But it is never too late to start!

  • Dogs that are socialised well during this period are less likely to display behavioural problems and therefore less likely to be surrendered to rescue centres or euthanised.

  • As positive experiences are so vital, it is important that a puppies' interactions with other well socialised puppies and older dogs are well organised and monitored. This prevents any scary experiences or bullying from happening, ensuring a fun experience for all.

  • Puppies that experience safe and positive interactions with other dogs and people are less likely to become bored and entertain themselves by practising destructive and undesirable behaviours.


Only £18.00 including VAT per session.

Puppy Pals Times


  • Wednesday afternoons 2.00pm - 3.30pm (for older, bigger pups)

  • Thursday afternoons 2.00pm - 3.30pm (best for new starters, shy or quiet pups)

  • Thursday afternoons 4.00pm - 5.30pm (for older, bigger pups)


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